Membership Fees
The membership will be on a renewable basis and shall be valid for four (04) calendar years.
- The Initial Registration Fees for the membership is Rs.1,000/‐ (one thousand only) and an additional Rs.1,000/‐ (one thousand only) as a subscription for four (04) calendar years.
- 18% GST applicable for all payments.
- A member will be expected to renew his/her membership before its expiry, however, will be given three (03) months of extension for doing the same against paying the penalty of Rs.100/‐ (one hundred only) per month.
- A member who is in arrears of payment of subscription dues for more than three months is liable to lose his membership and all the privileges attached to it.
- In order to regain the rights and privileges of membership, he/she shall have to join the Society again by paying the Initial registration and subscription fee.